Thursday, May 21, 2020

Stalin in Power Essay - 1364 Words

The leadership capabilities give a person freedom to decide which way to use them. One can use them to reach the power; another can use them to enrich others. In Stalin’s case having leadership resulted in policies that had negative effect on country stabilization. The millions of people lost due to Stalin’s regime was a devastating blow to the Soviet Union. Although, the Soviet Union made more progress under Stalin than under any other leader of the Soviet Union, but it happened at a great cost. The enforced policies were meant to improve the overall standards of the people but they had the opposite effect and created chaos. Vladimir IIyich Lenin was one of the biggest influences on Stalin and the way he would come to rule the Soviet†¦show more content†¦They raised, rather than lowered the goals and intensified the pressures to meet them. Stalin said,†We are bound by no laws. There are no fortresses the Bolsheviks cannot storm, (Kort 202)†That was a way of symbolizing how powerful he was and what things they were capable of. Stalin’s chaos started with the First Five-Year plan which was introduced in April 1929. This policy called for drastic increases in industrial production, heavy industry, coal, pig iron, and electricity. â€Å"If the First Five-Year Plan was anything at all, it was a propaganda piece signaling the regime’s intention to push the nation ahead at a reckless speed, regardless of the costs (Kort 201)†. Collectivization was another part of the First Five-Year Plan and consisted of forcing people to move from urban areas to collective farms to produce more agricultural products. â€Å"By March 1930, less than three months into the campaign, almost 60 percent of the Soviet Union’s peasants-about 15 million households totaling 70 million people had been driven from their homesteads into collective farms. (Kort 204).† If peasants opposed too strenuously, as many did, they were likely to be branded as kulaks who are considered prosperous or kulak sympathizers and divest. Many of the Kulaks were killed or sent to camps in Siberia and forced to live in awful conditions often including malnutrition. The Second Five-Year Plan was enforced inShow MoreRelatedStalins Rise To Power984 Words   |  4 Pages Comrade General Secretary Joseph Stalin’s rise to power in the former Soviet Union was born in the midst of the Russian Revolution of 1917. His association and friendship with Vladimir Lenin also played an integral part in the dictator’s power grab. Stalin participated in the December 1904 oil worker strike in Baku, Georgia, which ended successfully later that month. 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